About Us

Credible News Source In Arizona



AZ Reporter is known for providing timely news updates that is delivered by our well-qualified and experienced news reporters. We have a close watch on anything and everything that’s happening in the state of Arizona and we consider it our duty at AZ Reporter to update you from time to time. Every news that is reported by our reporters is fact-checked and published only after proper verification and cross-checking. Credible sources are what makes a news organization worth it and that’s what we at AZ Reporter believe in

Credibility Is All That Matters

At AZ Reporter, we believe in hard facts and make sure that the source from whom we are receiving the tip-off or a news angle is credible and trustworthy.  Any news story of ours is cross-checked and verified on parameters such as credibility, newsworthiness and appeal and our reporters and technicians are also committed to the same.

Our Team

Our team at AZ Reporter, consists of well-qualified reporters, editors and technicians who give it their all to provide you with news from time to time.  Passionate and dedicated are the two words that clearly defines our team, who believe in making the most of their resources and time.

Capturing sensational news is no joke and our technicians are well-trained in capturing them right at the spur of the moment.  From unveiling secrets and gossips of high profile industries, to letting the world know what’s happening right and wrong in Arizona, everything is covered here and with complete honesty, integrity and credibility.

At AZ Reporter, we believe in providing news that’s worth reporting and which might have a direct impact on the lives of people living in Arizona.

We at AZ Reporter, make sure that every news story reported and published by our organization is fact checked and thoroughly authenticated. Our editors believe in it and so our reporters and technicians.

Human life is bigger than anything else and we at AZ Reporter make sure to put that before anything else.

It’s an organization’s duty to give back to the society and community they live in. We too believe in that and make sure to give back to the community by providing them with news that needs to be told. Anything that has been covered is considered important and we make sure that the due importance is given to stories of true value.

To expand our arena and cover areas that were not covered before and to report untold stories of unknown people. We aim to become one of the top news organizations with a reputation of high integrity, value and credibility.

To provide news that’s interesting, authentic and worth the time and to become the go to location for searching any kind of news about the state of Arizona.

This world is a dynamic place, where change is the only constant. Everything changes in a matter of time and as a news organization it’s our duty and responsibility to change with the course of time.

Social media is a major part of our lives today and as a news organization, it’s even more vital and of prime importance to us. From live updates to quick feeds, we’ve got it all at AZ Reporter. Our reporters work harder to not only cover news stories but also to report them live on social media pages.

Software is also dynamic in nature and one needs to keep on updating themselves. Our team of technicians at AZ Reporter is well qualified who are always on the verge of learning something new.

Responsibilities And Duties

As a news organization, it’s completely our duty and responsibility to make sure that the right news story is sent across. We are particular about the sources from whom we collect our information and we make sure that it is authentic and fact-checked.

We also understand our responsibility towards our readers and we make sure that we don’t let them down.

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